"Singing is what I do best and hoping for a brake through to go internationally that's my dream, God-Flamez, Hot & Fiery." - G-FLAME

I was December 22 1995. I am from Kingston, Jamaica. I live with my uncle, father, step-mother, little sister, grandfather, girlfriend and step-daughter. Ever since I was a little boy, growing up in the ghetto, music always drew my attention. During the time when I was going to St. Andrew primary school, I had a cousin who use to dance at that time. It was interesting watching him dance to the music he heard. I was amazed by his moves I even tell him to teach me and he did. I started dancing at age nine and kept dancing for about a year. Down in that year, I was in my yard looking over the wall and saw two elderly friends singing together and they sound so good they gave me goose bumps, when they finished, I went to my room and took out my school note book and started to writing my own lyrics and songs. From then, I realized my talent is to do music. Singing is what I do best and hoping for a brake through to go internationally that's my dream, God-Flamez, Hot & Fiery.