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"The music was always apart of me and will forever beeeeeeeeee!!" - Vize



Rodney Anderson, a.k.a  Vize, was born in the mountains of St. Catherine Jamaica. Grown up in three different communities in Kingston,  Almond Town, and Harbour View.


Most of my life in Franklin town a.k.a Dunn Kirk. I grew with my dad, step-mother, two brothers, three sisters, two step-sisters, and two step-brothers in one home. We lived an average life-style. We had to go to church every Sunday, and we were taught Christian values that were  strongly enforced by my father.

Growing up in the Garrison thought me to be tough, think quick, act accordingly. Through those expierences I learned perseverance, humbleness, fearlessness, faith, peace, the power of love, the importance of water. It made me want to be prosperous in life and to elevate me from that level.

I want to be at a higher level so I can help and inspire others to do the same.


In the early 90s, while going to and from school, it was the norm to walk pass a dead body with bullets to the head and body on a regular basis but was never scared. Real gun war with man running around shooting and killing each other was like live movie being shot in front of me. Through all this, Jah kept me safe in the Lion's Den.


I continued my education at St George's college and kept focus on my work. I the graduated 1999.

Understanding some level at stress at home, I lost focus at the time, but I needed to be more focused than ever. Jah had never failed me before, and never will!  


I put my trust to guide my steps all the way until he ready for my soul. Jah guides me through them few years. While doing my first job me and my friends started building a sound system. In those days late 90s, only record s and cassette was available to play on the sound so we purchased records every day after work and would play new songs every day we get from work on our sound system.


We would play at various parties all over the Island and after one day, most of our sound system equipment was stolen. All the set backs just made us more determined to win. We were always involved in music one way or the other until I decided to go in music production.


One day I call Rosevelt, my family in South Carolina, and discussed the idea and we decided to work together at music production and we started this magical journey.

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